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World of Warships ST – Siroco Kleber Colbert Smolensk

Update SuperTests! 11-07-2019
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Update SuperTests! 11-07-2019

French destroyer Siroco, tier V

French destroyer Siroco, tier V:

– Detectability range by air is lowered from 3.36 km to 2.7 km;
– Main Battery Reload Booster and Engine Boost consumables are changed place:
rearranged in the same order as the researchable French destroyers.
French destroyer Vauquelin, tier VII

French destroyer Vauquelin, tier VII

– Detectability range by air is reduced from 4.38 to 3.51 km.
Update 12/07/19
– Maximum torpedo damage lowered from 18 400 to 14 833;
– Main caliber guns reload time increased from 4.8 to 5 s.
French destroyer Kleber, tier X

French destroyer Kleber, tier X

– Detectability after firing main guns in smoke is increased from 3.3 to 3.63 km.
French cruiser Colbert, tier X

French cruiser Colbert, tier X:

– Detectability range by air is increased from 6.0 to 7.41 km.
Soviet cruiser Smolensk, tier X

Soviet cruiser Smolensk, tier X:

– Detectability range by air is increased from 5.64 to 7.41 km
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source – wows fb devs blog

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