British cruiser London, tier VI
British cruiser London, tier VI
British Cruiser London Tier VI stats, remember that all stats are preliminary for now and are still being tested.
- Hit points — 34600.
- Plating — 16 mm.
Main Battery
- Main battery — 4x2 203 mm.
- Firing range — 13.4 km.
- Maximum HE shell damage — 2850.
- Chance to cause fire — 15%.
- HE initial velocity — 855 m/s.
- Maximum AP shell damage — 4550.
- AP initial velocity — 855 m/s.
- Reload time — 15.0 s.
- 180 degree turn time — 22.5 s.
- Maximum dispersion — 125 ΠΌ.
- Sigma — 2.00.
Torpedo tubes
- Torpedo tubes — 2x4 533 mm.
- Maximum damage — 15733.
- Range — 7.0 km.
- Speed — 59 kt.
- Reload time — 106 s.
- Launcher 180 degree turn time — 7.2 s.
- Torpedo detectability — 1.2 km.
An option to launch individual torpedoes is available.
AA Defense
- AA defense: 15x1 20.0 mm.
- 4x2 102.0 mm.
- 2x8 40.0 mm.
AA short range
- continuous damage per second — 130.
- hit probability — 85 %.
- action zone 0.1–2.0 km.
AA mid-range
- continuous damage per second — 77.
- hit probability — 90 %.
- action zone 0.1–2.5 km.
AA long-range
- continuous damage per second — 98.
- hit probability — 90 %.
- action zone 0.1–5.8 km
- Number of explosions in a salvo — 4.
- damage within an explosion — 1260.
- action zone 3.5–5.8 km.
- Maximum speed — 32.2 kt.
- Turning circle radius — 710 m.
- Rudder shift time — 7.8 s.
- Surface detectability — 12.1 km.
- Air detectability — 6.6 km.
- Detectability after firing main guns in smoke — 6.8 km.
Available Consumables
1 slot — Damage Control Party
2 slot — Repair Party (Duration time 10 s; HP per second 346; reload time 120 (80) s; Charges 1 (2))
3 slot — Hydroacoustic Search (Duration time 180 s; torpedo and ship detection range 3.0 km; reload time 180 (120) s; charges 2 (3))
4 slot — Smoke Generator (Duration time 15 s; smoke dispersion time 99 s; reload time 240 (160) s; charges 2 (3); radius 600 m)
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